Farting Zombies of N.I.G.H.T. Fall

"Get ready to unleash the ultimate stinker!"

Not too long ago, a meteorite crashed into Earth, bringing an alien virus that caused many to mutate into frenzied, windy creatures. Due to the degrading optic nerves and colon muscles in the infected it is now unsafe to be outside during daylight hours, but when Seth Bethlehem stumbles upon a secret military installation in the forest he unintentionally attracts a small group of farting zombies. In the early days of the zombie outbreak, internet-vlogger Jove tried to survive his flatulent neighbours by building his own shelter in the garden, but does this vlogger have a connection to Seth Bethlehem, and who is the mysterious watcher in the woods? Farting Zombies of N.I.G.H.T. Fall delivers a unique blend of horror, comedy, and unconventional zombies with very loose bowels.
click to buy series Blu-ray
This production originally started out in 2014 as a serious Science-Fiction feature film to follow on from the success Nathan Head's previous self-produced feature, Apparition Of Evil, initial scenes began shooting on location in the Cheshire-West countryside as well as The Warehouse Studios near the city of Manchester, however numerous incomplete scenes and canceled shoots began to compromise the script, forcing the production to be shelved in August 2015. The rough-cut was picked up six years later, during the Covid-19 pandemic, under the working title 'Escape From Sector Six'. The intention was to fit the story more into the zombie/apocalypse genre of horror, however, the realisation that there simply weren't enough complete scenes to fill out a full feature-length story resulted in the film being shelved, yet again. In the early months of 2023, all salvageable material was edited around newly-shot scenes to create the first episode of a three-part miniseries, with the story now migrated more into the comedy realm. Farting Zombies of N.I.G.H.T. Fall was released on a number of streaming platforms in 2023, starting with Reveel on July 31st and later Tubi in January 2024. In August 2023 Keiron Hollett of KiRO Pictures produced a filmic-cut made up of the first three episodes edited into a feature length motion picture under the title Attack Of The Flatulating Dead, which was first released on Amazon Prime Video over the Christmas weekend 2023. In June 2024 the TV series was broadcast on Freeview Channel 272, MBC 'My Binge Channel', MBC is powered by Go See TV and is available to watch on Netgem, TV Player, TCL, PLEX, Freecast and VIDAA among others.
watch the entire series on Tubi

Episode Guide

  • N.I.G.H.T. Fall chapter one: Attack Of The Flatulating Dead
    When Seth Bethlehem stumbles upon a secret military installation in the forest he unintentionally attracts a small group of farting zombies, but are his intentions what they appear to be?
  • N.I.G.H.T. Fall chapter two: Beware The Bowel Howlers
    Seth Bethlehem wanders the woodlands now inhabited by windy undead creatures, but who is the mysterious stranger watching closely from within the undergrowth and how exactly was the antigen originally distributed in the rain?
  • N.I.G.H.T. Fall chapter three: Fartbox
    In the early days of the zombie outbreak we watch a vlogger try to survive his farty neighbours by building his own shelter in the garden, does this vlogger have a connection to Seth Bethlehem?
  • N.I.G.H.T. Fall chapter four: Flatus Explanantia
    A behind-the-scenes look at the series so far.




Starring "Star Wars The Force Awakes" actor "Keith DeWinter" as "Doctor Swift-Tuttle"


Night Fall - filmic cut bluray Night Fall - series bluray Night Fall - filmic cut bluray Night Fall - series bluray
Attack Of The Flatulating Dead - Amazon Prime Video Night Fall - TV series poster Nathan Head | Zombie Movie Night Fall - TV series poster
Attack Of The Flatulating Dead - initial feature-length poster Attack Of The Flatulating Dead - TV pilot blank poster Attack Of The Flatulating Dead - collage poster designed at The Chester Film Co-op Attack Of The Flatulating Dead - original press release poster
Attack Of The Flatulating Dead - preproduction poster Nathan Head | Zombie Movie Nathan Head | Zombie Movie Night Fall - streaming movie poster
Night Fall - TV series poster Behind-the-scenes shot from the set of Night Fall featured in Digital Filmmaker Magazine issue 55 (April 2018) Click to view PDF book Night Fall listed on Reveel streaming service
Night Fall - TV series poster
Night Fall - TV series poster Night Fall - streaming movie poster Night Fall - TV series poster Night Fall - TV series poster
      Attack Of The Flatulating Dead - fun poster drawn by Keiron Hollett 


Most of the characters have a name that references the conclusion of the episode they first appear in, for chapter one they are named after either a star or an astral object that has fallen to Earth; Seth Bethlehem's name references the Star of Bethlehem, or Christmas Star, from the nativity story of the Gospel of Matthew in the New Testament. Doctor Swift-Tuttle's name references the comet 109P/Swift-Tuttle which orbits the sun every 133 years. Captain Wormwood's name references a prophecised star, first mentioned in the New Testament's Book Of Revelation, that is said to fall to Earth in the End-Times, poisoning a third of the Earth's water supply. Stella Perseid's name references two things, "stella" derives from the Latin word meaning "star" and The Perseids are a prolific meteor shower associated with the comet Swift-Tuttle. The Captain's secretary, Twinkle Ensisheim's name references the Ensisheim Meteorite which fell to North-Eastern France in 1492. Torino's name is a reference to the Torino Scale, a method for categorizing the impact hazard associated with near-Earth objects such as asteroids and comets. Tegmen's name is a reference to the star Tegmine, or Zeta Cancri A, which lies within the constellation of Cancer. Vega's name is a reference to the brightest star in the northern constellation of Lyra. Bolide's name is taken from the astronomical term used to label an extremely bright meteor that explodes in the atmosphere. The named characters in chapter two are all references to musical insturments; Viola is a string instrument and a Maestro is a master of music. In chapter three the named characters are mostly in reference to the sky or the heavens, Jove is taken from the Roman sky God of the same name.